Quotes from private parts howard stern
Quotes from private parts howard stern

quotes from private parts howard stern

With unforgettable quips like, "Go have sex with Jesus Christ, you faggot!" Hank will be dearly missed as long as angry drunken dwarfs are funny (read forever).ġ2. Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf is one guy who won't be making the move to Sirius for sure. Of all his oddities- and much to the delight of the E! crew- it was discovered that dead fish paralyze Eric with fear.ġ3. High-Pitched Eric' dead fish phobia: What kind of guy is like 300 pounds, yet is afraid of a dead cod? The same retard whose voice sounds like Mickey Mouse got hit in the nuts.

quotes from private parts howard stern

Or whatever the fuck he wears when he runs.ġ4. Anyone who' lived on New York's Upper East Side has had the pleasure of seeing him run right up 2nd Avenue in lingerie. Elegant Elliott Offen is either legitimately insane or SO sane that he has us all fooled. Jeff to Daniel: "Ask me the questions, bitch." That disqualified Jeff, right there.ġ5. Daniel said that he'd have to ask Jeff a few questions first, to see if he'd qualify. One hilarious tangent that comes to mind is Howard asking Daniel "KKK Guy" Carver if he'd allow Jeff "The Drunk" Curro into his white-hooded club. Hollyweird Squares: The game show spoof, using different Wack Pack permutations each time, would throw in an occasional real celebrity for good measure. Rita G has the World's Most Perfect Natural Breasts: What was most hilarious about this episode was the legion of K-Rock male employees who were "skeptical" of them being real, and lined up to squeeze them for themselves. Typical Wood-Yee proposition: "Go ahead and swallow, I don't contain any MSG." And there were hundreds more.ġ7. Played by Woody Allen sound-alike Steve the Engineer, he would often sit in when the show had an attractive female guest on… of the Asian persuasion. Wood-Yee: He will be missed, as we cannot confirm he's moving over to Sirius. Thusly was born a parody of the Stones' "Brown Sugar" and an accompanying music video starring Scott Salem as a seven-foot cigarette.ġ8. "Brown Fingers" video starring Scott the Engineer - circa 1995: The crew alleged that Scott' smoking was so out of control that the cigarette tar was actually staining his fingers brown. AJ Benza bitch-slaps Stuttering John- and gets banned from the show-almost surreal.ġ9. Have you EVER heard of anyone doing a Gene Simmons impression before? Craig-along with Stern crew writing-did everything with this that should be done with an impression: spot-on voice, and (moderate) exaggeration of what makes the real-life Gene what he is… a KISS marketing whore! And then ultimately, Gene met "Gene." Phenomenal.Ģ0. Craig Gass as Gene Simmons: The anti-Christopher Walken impression.

quotes from private parts howard stern

The video should be launched into space as an ambassador of the Planet Earth.Ģ1. Backside Boys (animation): This animated parody music video for the Backside Boys' "I Went the Gay Way" is the stuff of legend. Slipping through a loophole in the system, the Reverend Bob Levy wins, barely beating out Yucko the Clown and Sal the Stockbroker.Ģ2. World's Meanest Listener Contest: Listeners submit entries roasting the staff of the Stern show. Most common victim? Jackie "The Joke Man" Martling, of course.Ģ3. The Jackie Puppet- commanded by Billy "Ren & Stimpy" West in the mid-'90s-was one brutal block of wood. The carnage is currently up on Howard On Demand (check local cable listings).Ģ4. Artie Lange gets ridiculously drunk in Las Vegas - and cameras capture every hilariously slurred insult. Of all the many facets of the show, the strange camaraderie between Stern and his sidekicks is what we hope stays intact after the move to Sirius.Ģ5.

#Quotes from private parts howard stern tv#

What' really kept fans tuning in since the local Channel 9 TV show days is the feeling that we're listening in on a family- a highly dysfunctional family- but a family, nonetheless. Let' be honest- boobs on the radio can only be interesting for so long. Believe it or not, the T&A is actually NOT the best part of the show, despite the fact that non-Stern listeners seem to think that it' the only thing the Howard Stern show is about.

Quotes from private parts howard stern